Dienstag, 14. September 2010

You make me feel so good.

Ich hab eben 2 Stunden mit meiner Liebsten Roxy gecamt. :)
 Es war richtig lustig. :D Guck mal ich hab das. Oh warte das kann ich noch überbieten. Oh man. :D

Baby es war so wundervoll. ♥
du bist das,was man einen wahren Freund nennt. :)

"You don't need any reason, do you baby?
Surely you should know that by now.
But if you need a reason, I'll give one to you:
You make me feel good, you make me feel good.

I don't need any reason when I hold you.
I never do ask myself why.
But if you need a reason, I'll give one to you:
You make me feel good, you make me feel good.

So good, so good, don't have to justify.
Why I feel so good, so good, so good?
Never thought could be so good to me.

But if you need a reason, I'll give one to you:
You make me feel good, you make me feel good

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